
Wednesday 28 June 2017

Blog Success Criteria


Getting Going
Smart Learner


What have I been learning?

  • I’ve written what I have been learning about e.g. shared my WALT
  • I have put in an image, drawing or a screenshot of my learning
How do I know I have learnt?

  • My post includes information and ideas that show what I learned.
  • I created a DLO that shares my ideas about the learning: eg, a video, diagram, infographic etc

Reflected on my learning:

  • My post has my new ideas and what I enjoyed or found really difficult
  • I’ve shared what I think my next steps are, what I’d like to know more about, and what I might do differently next time


  • I have explained the learning I did
  • Most of my ideas can be seen
  • I included a photo, image or screenshot
  • My title is unique or catchy
  • My DLO is my own creation, makes sense and adds more information
  • My post may include embedded html content e.g. collage, video, Google Slide, animation etc

  • My post shows WHO I AM as a learner and is unique to me.
  • My information and ideas help my audience to understand the learning, [and there’s a link to this activity to my class learning site]
  • For my DLO, I (or my group) made all of the learning being shown from scratch


  • Some of my spelling and punctuation is not right
  • My post might be hard for the reader to understand
  • I have checked my punctuation and spelling
  • I have asked a buddy to read my post, made corrections and I cannot see any mistakes

  • I’m confident all my spelling and punctuation is correct and it makes sense for my readers, they will be able to read it easily


  • My font sizes and colour may be different and need making the same
  • My images or embedded content might not fit properly
  • I may not have used labels or a title on my learning blog post.
  • I previewed layout to see how my post would look and changed it where I needed to
  • Font size and colour match
  • I’ve used a title & labels  
  • If I’ve used other people’s work or thinking I have shown the source or attributed it to them

  • Media/html content is checked e.g. size, position, and appears when post loads
  • My labels and title are specific to the learning & help people searching my blog
  • I am beginning to use scheduling for publishing so my posts don’t all come at once

  All the Students in Te Moana have recently begun their own blogs. They are all at the beginner blog stage now but we are all setting our goals to become Smart Bloggers by the end of the year. Please check our blogs all the time to check how we are learning to improve.

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