
Monday, 11 September 2017

"My Unicorns" by Isabella-Paige and Talia


  1. Hi Isabella-Pagie and Talia I like your poem about unicorns. Next time you should put some more writing in it.
    by: Aayet

  2. Hi Isabella-Paige and Talia,
    I like how your pictures about unicorns match your writing.
    Next time you could do more information and slides.
    By Mehakpreet

  3. Hi Isabella-Paige and Talia,
    I like your poem about unicorns. Next time you should put some more writing in your poem.
    By: Aayet

  4. Hello Talia and Isabella-Paige,
    I can see how much you like unicorns by your slideshow you have posted. You have included wonderful images and wonderful backgrounds. My favourite was the blue unicorn, it looked so amazing! Also, if you want to find more images like the blue unicorn, search up Unicorn PNG. Scroll down and you will find them in different colours. I wonder if you already know this. In a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you rate unicorns?
    Please reply.
    From Tara. (PCS Student)
