
Tuesday 22 November 2016

Action World Trip by Lilli-Rose

                          “Action World”
Yesterday I Walked all the way to Action World, and I am here to tell you about it. First we had to pair up with a partner, so I chose to  be with Nevaeh. We used my bag and put some of here lunch, and my lunch in it. We didn’t put our book bag in because it would be to heavy. We are now half way Nevaeh and I are having turns carrying it.

Finally we are there carl the owner gave us a Talk  about Action World, then we started playing on the activities. The first thing I went on was the ladder, when I went on I was so close to the bell, and everyone was cheering, and I rang the bell Then I fall of the ladder, I was so happy that I got there.

Then I walked over to the monkey bar one, and waited in line for my turn. It took such a long time but It was finally my turn. I swung from the first bar, to the second bar and then the next bar then, I tried to jump over the monster, but I failed.
Next I ran onto the climbing Rockwall, I was pretty good. When I rang the bell I filled up with joy I was so happy. Then I heard the girl that worked say “Girls time to go on the water slide!”
So I rushed to get my togs, and ran excitedly into the changing room lots of girls were getting changed, it was like a bundle of hippos. After I got dressed I rushed to put my clothes into my bag, and then I ran up to the line for the water slide it took a long time for my turn, but that was Okay.   
Finally it is my turn “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” It was so much fun I was having a blast I went on the water slide I went on twice. It was as slippery as a soap.Then I got dressed I was as cold as a  winter  day. I then went on the fighting one, and I hit jamie with the soft hitting stick.

I was so sad it was time to go, but I had to when we walked to the gas station my mum came and picked me up. Nobody else got picked up so I was kind of special, I had such a blast but I had to go It was as special as a fabulous show.



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