I have created a flow chart showing where Scruffy had run away to.
Monday, 27 March 2017
Scruffy Runs Away-Vaughan
Today I was learning to read with expression and make my reading sound like talking. I am also learning to chunk the tricky words with my masking finger.
I have created a flow chart showing where Scruffy had run away to.
I have created a flow chart showing where Scruffy had run away to.
Sunday, 26 March 2017
Welcome to Te Moana's Hui 24th March
This week we had fun completing our learning goals and meeting the success criteria that we had shared together. We needed to make sure we had edited our work properly. This week we have learnt to do so many new things on our chromebooks with collaboration with Chris. Raewyn, Mrs Neumann and our expertise. We learnt how to use Google Slides to create animation and Google Sheets to create the graphs for our Statistics unit. Many of us learnt how to make and open links.
We are proving that "together we learn and prepare for the future." Each member of the class presented one part of the assembly, using a public speaking voice, which is on of our learning goals. I think we all achieved our goal.
We tried to include a variety of the subjects we study, Reading Writing, Mathematics, Visual Art, Singing, Te Reo, Computer studies and Oral Speaking.
We are proving that "together we learn and prepare for the future." Each member of the class presented one part of the assembly, using a public speaking voice, which is on of our learning goals. I think we all achieved our goal.
We tried to include a variety of the subjects we study, Reading Writing, Mathematics, Visual Art, Singing, Te Reo, Computer studies and Oral Speaking.
Tuesday, 21 March 2017
Jade's Pumpkin
My Giant Pumpkin
Last year in November I planted a teeny tiny pumpkin seed. It was my Aunty’s dream to grow an enormous pumpkin. First we gave it lots of fresh water and didn’t give it special fertilizer as it was growing in a vegetable garden.
Once it started to get big we gave it a shock with some special fertilizer. We had to make sure it did not go rotten on the wet ground and had to turn it around each day. But one day the vine began to rot and my pumpkin as round as the orange sun snapped off.
I heard about a pumpkin growing competition at Mitre Ten in Whangarei, so the big bright pumpkin was put onto a trolley as it was as heavy as a baby elephant, so we carefully, cautiously packed it in the car. It looked so funny with a car safety seat belt around it.
On competition day we entered our round reddy pumpkin and “Hey Presto !!” we won with the hugest heaviest humongous pumpkin weighing 34 kilos. I won an amazing garden pack of goodies.
Monday, 20 March 2017
Beach Clean Up 2107-Te Awa and Te Moana
Saturday, 18 March 2017
Jahrell's Statistical Investigation "Favourite Cars"
I have used Google Slides to present my graphs that I created in my Statistics Investigation about what cars are the most popular.
Favourite Cars Summary
I think the gauge graph is the best but because the data numbers were lower it was harder to see the results.
The median value is 3 as it is in the middle.
1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 7, 14
The mean or average is 4.3 41+1+3+3+4+4+7+14 = 33 33➗8=4.3
The range is the difference between the lowest and highest value.
1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 7, 14 14 - 1 = 13
The mode is the most frequent value.
1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 7, 14 so 1 and 3 are the most frequent mode.
Ataahua's Limerick
There once was a clown who went bang,
Who loved to make symbols clang clang,
He thought he could sing,
But made our ears ring
He juggled and joked but never sang,
Vaughan's Limerick
The BIG Sneeze
There once was a flower that danced in the breeze,
That made an old man sneeze.
He sneezed so hard,
He scared the guard,
Kaitlin's Limerick
Kaitlin’s Limerick
The Silly Clown
There once was a clown with a frown,
The very heavy crown make him frown,
He frowned so deep,
That he fell asleep,
Snoring so loud he woke the whole town.
Imogen's Limerick
There once was a clown with a frown,
Who rode a bike to the nearby town,
Got stuck in a door,
Slipped on a shiny floor,
Juggled jars till his pants fell down.
Breeze's Limerick
My Poor Greedy Cat
There once was a cat who was fat,
His cool name was cool greedy cat,
And he slept on a couch,
Who said at night ouch,
At night he is always so flat.
Thursday, 16 March 2017
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Shay's Garden
Today we read a book about gardens. my Grand dad has a super vegetable garden. I learnt how to add labels to a photo today and even added some arrows to point to the vegetables.
Calais's Vegetable Garden
Today I read a book about a vegetable garden. Vegetables are very good for you and help keep you healthy.
Sunday, 12 March 2017
Thursday, 9 March 2017
Dale's Argument about Sweets
All the teachers need to read my argument so they can understand that it would be good for children to eat sweets at school,
Breezes' Argument for Teachers to read
I hope all the teachers read my argument the their pupils will be able to work better when they are learning.
Kaavin's Argument about "Not Eating Sweets"
I have created a Slide Show about not eating Sweets at School. I prefer to add images to my writing so it is more interesting for others to read.
Jahrell's Argument for teachers to read
I was the first person in our class to complete and edit my argument. I felt so proud as it was the first time I had produced an argument or even used Google Slides on my Chromebook.
My Learning Map
We have been creating our Learning Maps using a variety of ways. Mrs Neumann showed us how to create hers using Lucid Charts.
Tuesday, 7 March 2017
Mikaila's Acrostic Chromebook Poem
Mark's Acrostic Theme Poem
Harlem's Acrostic Chromebook Theme Poem
Monday, 6 March 2017
Swim Safe Lesson 4
Swim Safe 4.
Today was our last day to have Tracy for Swim Safe. We knew we had to float on our backs for a long time, and to practise as if we have had an accident at sea in our bouncing boats.
The pool was as cold as ice cool beer. The pool was as smooth as paper. The pool was as clear as a ice cube.
We walked down to the pool to get changed. The sun was an orange balloon. The pool was as shiny as a brand new car.
We put our clothes that were as light as a feather then we carefully slid into the calm full water, but once they were wet they were as heavy as a rock. The pool was as blue as light blue dye. We were as calm as ever. We floated on our back, kicking like a motor, for ten minutes, it was exhausting. Fear hit me as I was floating. The water was as clear as a ice cube. The sun was as bright as neon yellow.
We learnt that clothes can be really dangerous to swim in or be wearing in water once they get very wet and weighty. My friends were frozen ice cubes but I wasn’t cold. Most of us were tough and just swam through the ice. Our faces were as red as if I had put red lipstick on my face. Nevaeh and I hoped out really fast before we got to the good bit. The good bit was when we quickly chucked on our light clothes, until… SPLASH some of us jumped in the pool that nobody even saw, oh no! the clothes, they’re to heavy.
Angela's Special name
We are learning why our parents chose our names and why they are significant to us. I feel really proud to have the special name I have been given.
We are learning why our parents chose our names and why they are significant to us. I feel really proud to have the special name I have been given.
Swim Safe Lesson 3
Swim Safe Three
At Swim Safe we ran to the changing room and then we put a life jacket on. We fell into the pool and then we did a huddle and chain. We might fall off the boat. We floated like a balloon instead of sinking. We floated on our backs for more than a minute. We floated freely. Some of us sank like a rock when we fell into the water. Harlem was straight as a wall. Arohaina was like a scary elephant. We were as quiet as a spider. Katlin was as bendy as a gymnast. Josh was as bendy as a bendy toy. Kaavin was as flexible as a dolphin.
We were as excited as a dancing flopping dolphin. Some of us were sinking like a rock. Harlem was as straight as a statue. We were as happy as we could be.We love doing it Tracey. We were as loud as a roaring lion. Shay was as cool as a happy face. Zara was as funing as a clown. Jade was as silly as a silly clown in swim safe three.
All of the boys and girls went in the freezing changing room. We were as happy as joy. We did a mushroom and we looked like a mushroom.We were so happy when we saw Tracey. Calais was a hungry lion. Breeze was as happy as can be. Arohaina loved the whole thing. Swimming, in the saucy aussie soap maker.
We had to get dressed in funny clothes to pretend we had been shipwrecked or washed off the rocks. It was scary as the clothes made us sink and were not able to swim very easily. It was even harder to try and take them off in the water as they stuck to us like a gluey glove. So remember to wear swimming clothes and always wear a life jacket in case you get into trouble in the water.
Swim Safe Lesson 2
Swim Safe Two.
Last week, when we were doing some swim safe with Tracy, she taught us things like,” Don't go in the water if you are worried and put your up and shout out very loudly and shout, Help, Help, Help!!”.
The water was as warm as a bathtub in the pool. We were practicing to rescue the person in the water with the flutter board. Some people felt they were sinking like a big boulder. We were floating as a balloon in the water.
When we got in the pool we got a floating device. Tracy gave us a rope. We had to throw the rope to our buddy to rescue them.
Lastly, then we had to tow them in towards us. As we did it they slowly came to us. We all felt very happy and we were laughing so much we couldn't stop. But Beware that you aren't grabbed and dragged under by the drowning person.
Te Moana Hoe
Together we have written the hoe for our class. We worked with a buddy then in groups before we contributed to everyone's ideas. We will need to review these throughout the term and later in the year.
Today I learnt the order of the rainbow colours. I read a book and found the information that was a person’s name now I know the order so I can teach my class.
Saturday, 4 March 2017
Swim Safe Lesson 1
Swim Safe One
We rolled into the water. At swim safe we ran to the old chilly changing room then everyone put on a life jacket. We got into the springy shiny water. It was as much fun as climbing an old huge tree. We fell backwards onto our backs. We creating a linked chain, a straight line and a huddle it was fun. We lay in the pool like we are sunbathing. We practiced and had to pretend that we had had a shipwreck in a boat and had to survive in the sea for a long time.
We did swim safe with tricky Tracey.
All the girls and boys got out and got back into the old chilly changing room. The boys were so fast that they had time to go for a run before returning to the classroom instantly.
Shared Writing,
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