
Sunday, 9 April 2017

Mark's Duathlon

Triathlon at School
On Friday we had a triathlon we had to bring things we needed. We gave our forms to Ms N, before we could go to the triathlon. Everyone joined the seniors triathlon but four people from Te Moana joined the juniors. After we watched the seniors do the triathlon it was the juniors turn to do. We had to do the swimming first and then we go out and run.

We had three events, I came second in the race. Me and my friend had no shoes and bikes. We had to skip it cause we didn’t bring our shoes.

After that the bell rang for lunch time. The triathlon ended we had free icecreams in the whare kai but we had only one ice cream each. Everyone picked the lolly ice cream because it gives you gum. Our parents were coming to our assembly. They came before the triathlon we practiced early in the morning.

The seniors went biking to the beach they had a swim like the juniors before running. Kaavin won the triathlon at the end of it they had a prize for the finish. It was an bar, everyone in the seniors had to do 5 laps round the field. They were tired like a running man. We had to go in our classroom because the bell was going to ring the teacher told us to wait in the cloakroom. After the  bell rang we all rushed into the class and sat down for Mrs N.
We had to listen to our teacher everyone waited patiently for our assembly. Everyone was at the whāre waiting. We all sat down quietly when Mrs N. came she said, “ Oh, wow what an quiet class!” We went to the assembly our parents came in and watched.  Once we were finished everyone got out and had a restful weekend.

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