Safe Surf
On Friday Te Moana and Te Maunga met each other on the library steps. Then we buddied up. I was with Kaitlin. We all walked down to the beach. “Put your bag in a row on the grass with your buddy” Mrs Neumann said.
We all sat down on the grass by our bags. The lifeguards were Liam, Sam and Toobs. They asked us some questions. Then we split into five groups of ten. Each team got a red tube. Five people ran down to the other end of the beach. The leader from our group ran down to the other end where the kids in our group were waiting. They put the tube around us and clicked the heavy metal buckle back around us and ran back to our group. The water danced in the sun light. Real red ring.
After that we had morning tea. We fniished our morning tea, it was time to get into the water. One of the games was the boogie board race. Nikara and I were the leader in the boogie board race, we raced together and had a tie. After everybody had a turn we went in two’s. When we were in it was Jade and I against Nikara and Breeze. Then it was time to go.“ Bye ” said Room Te Moana.
It sounds like it was a really fun day of learning!