
Thursday, 30 June 2016

Mere's Speech-"Should we have Fish and Chips at School?"

Should we have Fish and Chips at School?

Yes we should have fish and chips because it’s good for your brain and it’s very natural too.
Firstly I think we should have fish and chips because it’s super, tasty, chewy, soft with crunchy batter and it’s salty and it’s very yummy for you us. Fish is one the healthiest foods on the planet. It has lots protein and vitamin D. Fish is important for your body and brain.

Secondly I like fish and chips because it can make you very healthy. The fish can make you brainier. You could  write a lot, not one sentence at a time. Once you just ate a piece of fish you could write a lot of writing on a chromebook or in your writing book. Fish is so very Healthy and you could get very fit and run very fast. That would be be very very good for you.
Thirdly I like fish and chips because it’s very warm on a cold day. Fish is easy to cook and you can eat it raw. Fish helps your eye sight. It can help you sleep better. Fish helps prevent asthma.
Fourthly, potatoes are one of the most common and important foods in the world. They have lots of fibre, vitamins and minerals in them. They can stop heart disease and give you stronger bones.

So to conclude we should have fish and chips at school as they are so healthy for you. They can help you do all the things that are good for us, sleep, see and  learn. So I think we should have them on our lunch order list.

Zayne's Speech--Is the Country Better Than the City?"

Is the Country Better than the City?
  Boys and girls, the country is better than the city, because the  country has fresh air and we can play outside, but in the city we spend time inside.

Firstly- I think the country is better than the city because the city has traffic pollution with the smell of smoke, petrol and diesel. I do not like the city.

Secondly- The country has nature and amazing  living things that can explore. It is stressful living in the city because there are so many buildings and people.
Lastly- In the country we can do farming. The country is super, super exciting. It has super huge trees to  play in.

Nevaeh's Speech-"Netball is Better Than Rugby"

Hi my name is Nevaeh and I’m Arguing that
         Netball is better than Rugby?    

Yes, I think netball is better than rugby because it is not messy at all.

Firstly, I think netball is way better than rugby because you don’t get hurt as much. There are so many accidents involving rugby players. Rugby is a brutal, violent, rough game. Rules do not change like rugby rules do. You can always tell if a goal is scored in netball--in rugby they always have to check.

Secondly, netball can be played inside or outside but rugby is just played outside and rugby can not be played on concrete or wooden floor.  Rugby needs to be played on a grass field because boys and men like to get dirty-they think they are tough and playing harder. Also men don’t clean up or do their own washing.
Thirdly, netball increases women’s participation in sport--Rugby doesn’t. It is a less violent game and the moral and self-esteem has been boosted by playing netball.
Fourthly rugby players could learn from netballers--the fast ball handling skills, decision making and the quick vision. Netball is played much quicker as you only have 3 seconds from the moment you catch the ball to releasing it. In netball you need short sharp movements going forwards, backwards, sideways, up and stopping.

Lastly netball is fun and rugby is boring. More people play netball than rugby so NETBALL just have to be better than rugby !!!!!!!!!!


Franky's Speech-"Is Art A Waste of Time?"

             IS ART A WASTE OF TIME.

I think Art is great fun for kids because it makes us feel better and it is lots of fun.  When we are doing art activities we are using lots of different skills that helps our brain to learn.

Firstly art can be painting, drawing, making and building, it can also enhance our self-esteem.  Art is my middle name. art is great. and I like art.  Do you know what art is? It is the skill of creating something new. Something that requires a  lots of skill.

Secondly art can be special to you. It can be supe beautiful and pretty.  It’s  a great talent. Im good at art. Art is what I do to have if you are really good at art work.  I am good at art because art is what I do and what I love.  Art is super. It is great for rainy days . I made a scafe.

Thirdly you can run wild and show your imagination, be creative you’ll get better and smarter.  Express  your self in your art work, art can be anything you want and it does not matter what it looks like to anyone but you.

To conclude I think we should do art every day.  Thank you for listening to my speech.  Did you like it? Our world would be an empty place with out art.

Arohaina's Speech-" Should We Have Fizzy Drinks at School?"

Should we have Fizzy Drinks at School?-Arohaina

I think we should not  have fizzy drinks  at school. They are not healthy for you.  

Firstly fizzy  can rot your teeth. And your teeth will be yuck and you  do you want  rotten  teeth. If   you  drink  fizzy drink’s  then you might get  black sore teeth and a smelly breath.   

Secondly,  I think water  is  better than   fizzy.     Water does not    have     sugar    in    it --- only     fizzy     drinks  have sugar.

Thirdly fizzy drinks can cause cancer and give you heart disease. They can make you fat as they have so much sugar in them. They make us get older quicker.

Lastly, they can make you silly and violent  and change your brain. So drink water and NOT  fizzy drink.
To conclude       fizzy’s   make  you burp.

Lilli-Rose's Speech--"Are Pets Beneficial?"

 Are Pets Beneficial?

  Welcome dogs and cats, Oops! I mean boys and girls. My name is Lilli-Rose. I think pets are beneficial, they help us a great deal, and protect us a lot, to be honest, enormously! “Don't you agree?

   Firstly, one of my reasons why is, supporting people.. Guide dogs guide people to where they want to travel or visit and make sure that they don’t get lost. Guard dogs guard people's homes- if a robber comes- not saying they will come, but maybe, we're not sure, if a robber comes then a dog (or dogs) could alert or notify their owners that someone has arrived. And cats help us so much, catching mice and rats. If we had these grubby little pests ruling our homes, think of the diseases they could spread. And that reminds me of a story, once a woman saw a cat by her driveway,  and she brought  her in. And a few weeks later she had a fire and she didn't know, but the cat smelt the burning fumes and alerted her, so now she's alive, just because of that special cat.

Secondly, animals can be beneficial for people’s health. Studies have also found that: Dog or Cat owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets. People with dogs or cats have lower blood pressure in stressful situations. Playing with a dog or cat can elevate levels of serotonin, which helps calm and relax us. Stroking, hugging, or otherwise touching a loving animal can rapidly calm and soothe us when we’re stressed or anxious Dogs in particular can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness, and even improve your heart  condition. Caring for a dog can help children grow up more securely and actively or provide valuable companionship for older adults. I bet your parents would love this one less visits, to the doctors, if you have a pet yaaaaaaaaay.

Thirdly, Children and adults alike, can benefit from playing with dogs, which can be both a source of calmness and relaxation, as well as a source of stimulation for the brain and body. Not only do children who grow up with pets have less risk of allergies and asthma, many also learn responsibility, compassion, and empathy from having a dog or cat. Playing with a dog can even be a doorway to learning for a child. It can stimulate a child’s imagination and curiosity. The rewards of training a dog to perform a new trick, for example, can teach kids the importance of perseverance.
Lastly,  perhaps most importantly, though, a dog can add real joy and unconditional love to your life.
To conclude as you can see I think the whole world makes sense with pets  and their love. care and cuddling and best of all help I hope you have learnt something today! So go and find a pet to cuddle.

Jade's Speech--"Should we Brush our Teeth?"

Should we brush our teeth?
Yes, I think we should brush our teeth.

Firstly, you have to brush your teeth because if you  brush your teeth you will not get  yellow teeth. If you get yellow teeth you would have to go to the dentist
Secondly, if you brush your  teeth your breath will be fresh and so will your mouth and tongue. Who wants to be near someone who has a smelly breath. Do you??

Thirdly, if you do not brush your teeth, you will have to get them pulled out by the dentist. You will have a funny shaped mouth if you do not get some yucky plastic teeth.

To conclude if you don’t brush your teeth you will have to pay money to go to the dentist.  NO DRILL !!!


Liam's Speech--"Should we have R.D.A.?"

                Should we have  RDA.?

I think we should have R.D.A. There are so many benefits such as exercise, balance  and caring. It is healthy exercise on a horse.
Firstly, R.D.A.has expert people giving the kids rides on special horses. They are kind and teach us lots of things. They teach us to care for the horses. The horses love us and we love them.
Secondly the R.D.A. horses and riders teach us lots of social skills. They reach us how to talk nicely to them. We learn manners and how to be kind to others. We love the horses and they love us. We have to be sensile near the horses.
Thirdly, riding horses is good exercise. We can climb on and of the horses and ride backwards and forwards. We balance on the horses. We can walk, trot and canter on the horses. We have to use the reins to steer the horses.
To conclude, I think we should have R.D.A. because it is so much fun and we love all the activities we learn with them.

Kingston's Speech-"Should Bullies be Allowed at School?"

Should bullies be Allowed at School?
No Bullies should not be allowed at school.

Bullying is very serious and it makes other people  nervous.
Firstly bullies are the worst, they can make you feel really bad and unhappy.  If there is a bully in your school it can make you feel scared and sad, and makes you unhappy.
When bullies hurt my feelings, I feel a  little bit scared to say anything. Some bullies can say put down words to me, right in front of my face,  and it wants me to turn into a bully and fix them but I don't want to bully someone. Some bullies are very mean and rude, I don’t like it because it scares me, and can makes me (FRIGHTENED),  and makes people unhappy and bully people make me sad and mad.
Secondly bullies can get mean and hit and kick me in school grounds -that is very very mean  and they interrupt you and your friends when you are working. The teachers can get bullies who are causing  trouble at morning tea time and lunch time and tell them to stop and say sorry.. Bullies can act too dumb and they are not very cool.  who don’t care for each other.  You should care for your teachers and friends. If bullies don’t want to join with kindly and they mean they need to apologize to you.

But bullies can get really weird and get very mean. And if you see any bullies in schools tell on somebody at school.

People need to be nice to each other.

If Bullies hit a adult girl they will go to jail for doing that.    And people should not  upset other people. and they explain it at Assembly at our school. Some bullies can be VERY mean at school at times. So we should send them home and not have them at our school.

Indiana's Speech--"Is Education Important?"

Why  is  Education  Important?
Hi my name is Indiana and I am here to tell you why education is important. I think education is important to everyone. Some people think education is not important at all, but they are wrong, (don’t listen to them). O.K. now let’s move on to firstly.
Firstly education is not just your a,b,c’s you need to use your ability to read and write. You can also earn a living, for example of this, it would be getting a well paid job.
    Secondly if you don’t apply yourself at school to learn your reading, writing or maths you may find living more difficult, for example buying and selling will get really hard, and you won’t be able to budget your money.
Thirdly education helps adults and kids to know about healthy food and other life choices. This is important because as you get older you can make good choices to lead a happy life.
Fourthly if you want to lead a joyful life and enjoy the good things the world has to offer,I believe an education at school and in life is really important.
In conclusion I personally think education is forever!
So, Go places, Try things, listen and learn all the time. You will become a wise education person.
Thank you for listening to my speech.

Jamie's Speech "Should we have Phones at Paihia School?"

Hello my  name is Jamie and my speech is
Should we have Phones at Paihia School?

Firstly I think we should have phones Paihia School so we can ring Mum, Dad, Aunty, Uncle and Nana.  We could text someone if we wanted too.
Secondly we could take photos on our phones to learn about things.
Thirdly we could find out things on the internet if we had phones. We could see the weather and see if we could play rugby.
To finish I think we should have phones at school so we can use them to learn more.


Josh's Speech--"Should we have Pets at School?"

Should we have Pets at School?                            
I think we should have pets at school                                    
         Firstly, dogs  can guide people to class. Experts say that children who grow up with pets are less likely to develop common allergies, thanks to early exposure to certain bacteria.
Secondly, if you feel lonely you can play with them. It helps children’s well-being. It can boost their self-esteem, as a pet loves you and you love it back. Pets always bring joy to the friends. A child always has a friend to talk to and play with.
Thirdly, a pet teaches children how to care for others which is a great responsibility.Pets need food, exercise, shelter, love and sleep. Pets teach children values. They teach them kindness, safety, fairness and how to be gentle.
Fourthly, a pet can boost your academic skills. Reading aloud to a pet helps to make you read with better expression.
To conclude blind students definitely are allowed a dog at school because the dog is their eyes. SO, tomorrow I think we should all bring our pets to school and not just on Pet Day.

Vinnie's Speech-"Should We Ban Schools?"

Should we Ban School?-Vinnie

I think we should ban school. Our motto is to “Learn and Prepare for the Future” but I could do this at home.

I could learn to do Maths at home with Dad. I could do real live  maths. I could tell the time, measure building materials and weigh lots of things. I could cook with Mum and learn my time tables.

Secondly my Nana could teach me to read. She’s an expert teacher and an awesome reader. Nana would teach me to write as well as she likes writing. I could watch T.V. when I liked.

"Should We Ban Schools?"
I could buy a super duper computer and research all the information I need. I would have plenty of time with my family and go on lots of holidays.

Thirdly I would explore nature and learn about science at the beach. I could visit the zoo while all the other kids are at school. I would have freedom to play sports whenever I liked. I could meet up with other kids who are home schooled. I could get as dirty as I liked.I could go fishing when I liked.

Finally there would not be any competition, boredom or bullies if we banned school.

Stormy-Lee's Speech---"Should Boys and Girls Have Different Classes?"

"Should Boys and Girls Have Different Classes?"
I think boys and girls should be in different classes because GIRLS RULE and BOYS BULLY.

Firstly, boys and girls distract each other in a classroom. When they work together boys make a lot of noise and girls work more quietly.

Secondly, girls learn differently. Girls like learning differently and like drawing visual diagrams. Girls are better listeners. Girls like lots of discussions and enjoy talking. Girls pay attention more easily. Girls can intimidate boys because they learn things faster. Girls like fiction books as they like real stories about people.

Boys learn by doing rather than talking. Boys are not as mature as girls.  Boys prefer to make things. They are noisy and more physical. Boys like real competition and always want to be first. Boys like non-fiction books as they like to find out about things.

To conclude I think boys and girls should have different classes because my brother drives ME mad, like all the other boys.

Isabella-Paige's Speech "Should we Have Popcorn at School?"

Should we Have Popcorn at School?

I think we should have popcorn at school.

Firstly, I  think  we  should  have
Popcorn  at  school  because it yummy
and  tastes delicious.
Secondly, it  is a  healthy snack and so it is good  for  you. It has no junk food in it or sugar in it.  It is  crunchy and I like to munch it.
Thirdly, I think  making it is cheap  and doesn’t cost too much money.

To conclude I think we should eat healthy snacks at school so that our brain can work much better. So throw away the junk food and eat POPCORN at school.

Harlem's Speech--" Is Soccer a better game than Rugby League?"

Is Soccer a better game than Rugby League?

I'm a big boy I have a tough head  I  look very cuddly. But watch out for my Shenun Johnstun side step and Sonny- Bill left hit. Of  course  I think league is a better game than soccer.

Secondly, my family was bought up around Rugby League. My grand-dad played when he was younger, then he grew up and had kids. My Dad and two uncles taught me how to play tough but fair.

Thirdy, League is so cool it is the best game I have ever played in my life. I love playing it. In soccer you have to be super fast. You have to have long legs. I think I’ll be very good and I’m built for Rugby League. You also have to have mean as kicking skills. I’d make a good goalie.

To conclude, Rugby League is so cool. It’s the best game I ever played in my life and I love playing it. If you bump me off I’m going to hit you harder. If you tackle me down, I’m going to stand up stronger. Rugby League is a game for a WARRIOR !!!!

Evie's Speech " Should Animals be kept in Zoo's?"

Should Animals Be Kept in Zoos?                              
Lastly opps, I mean, hi my name is Evie, and I don’t think I mean, I do think that animals should be kept in zoos. Do you?
Firstly                    if Dangerous animals are in a zoo then it means that the animals can’t hurt any people and they can’t escape so that means they also can’t hurt other animals. Or if they escape they might start a population in a country that they are not meant to be in wich is bad.
You might be able to see animals that you’ve never seen before and all animals are very interesting they also make people smile like me. Some animals are strange like  proboscis monkeys and deep sea creatures like blob fish.


Some animals in the zoo can be endangered but they won’t get shot and none can kill them because it is banned and you aren't aloud a gun a sword or a bow  but why would people bring them in the zoo because I don’t think anybody has done that before.

Dale's Speech "Is White, Milk or Dark Chocolate the Best?"

Is White, Milk or Dark Chocolate the Best?

Hi, my name is Dale.
I think that white chocolate is the best, because it tastes so delicious.

Firstly, it looks like a pencil. It tastes milky and it tingles when you eat it. It tastes delicious. It melts in your mouth when you eat it.

Secondly, my Dad can make yummy white chocolate. He can make animals with moulds and Easter Eggs. He can make a tiger with white chocolate.

Thirdly some people say that white chocolate isn’t chocolate. IT IS if it has ⅕ cocoa butter. The first Milky Bar was made is 80 years ago.

To conclude white chocolate is best because it doesn’t make kids dirty when they  eat it.